Having a design background, presentation and branding mean a lot to me. I thought I'd share how I package and brand my business. My aim was to ensure continuity...
I love being creative and having the opportunity to design for pure pleasure, so when the opportunity came about to design some DIY templates for an awesome wedding inspiration...
A client of mine contacted me about 2 weeks ago, to do a company product shoot. He is a chef and has owned and run prestigious catering company’s. This...
I have had a whirlwind couple of weeks and its time to start posting the photographic activity's Ive been up to. Lots of news not enough time but here...
I had the privilege to attend the RE.INVENT workshop hosted by Dror Eyal and Andrea Carlyle at Forum Homini on Tuesday. It was quite an experience I would...
We spent the day at the elephant sanctuary, two weekends ago, it was really such an amazing day you really get up close and personal with them and they...
A week ago our lectures from The academy of creative photography invited us to do a shoot for the Guide dog association of their new puppy’s, what more can...
The lack of posting these last few weeks, are due to the excessive amount of work I’m experiencing at the moment, but finally I’ve taken 15min for myself to...