Slade & Nicola’s wedding at Moon and Sixpence – Part one

This past weekend I had the pleasure to assist Andrea Carlyle at Moon and Six Pence for the wedding of Slade and Nicola. This was such a stunning wedding I’m going to share it in two parts. The morning started out cold and overcast but by midday it had cleared up and was promising a warm and beautiful afternoon.

After meeting Andrea at the venue we got started on the decor shots, Nicola and Slade choose a white and sliver colour palate I just love the pure classic white decor it is so elegant very much like this gorgeous couple. While we were busy with the decor shots Slade met up with us, I have never seen such a calm yet excited groom, I think it had allot to do with his entourage of grooms men they were always by his side making sure he never had a dull moment.
I had the pleasure of doing the Groom and grooms men shots, usually this could be quite awkward but this bunch of guys were such a laugh and made me feel right at home.
Nerves started setting in once the guys were ready and dressed I gave them a few moments to relax a bit and popped in to help out with a few of the bridal shots.
Nicola was breath taking and I just loved her Gorgeous Spanish inspired gown. Before we knew, it was time for the ceremony, the minister was the same marriage officer and minister that married both their sets of parents, what could be more special. The ceremony was filled with special moments but for now ill let the photos speak for themselves

Nicola’s nerves started setting in this was just before a few tears made an apperance




The rest of the wedding coming soon..






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  • Angela
    September 22, 2011 at 10:01 am 

    Lovely, lovely, do you know where her dress is from?

    • Mandy
      September 22, 2011 at 10:07 am 

      She had A Spanish designer in the UK make it as far as i recall.

  • Hannes Uys
    September 23, 2011 at 5:28 am 

    Mandy you are so talented! Well done.

    • Mandy
      September 23, 2011 at 7:42 am 

      Agg thanks Hannes, you made my day 🙂

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